Sunday, 2 April 2017

Armentieres, Ypres & Ghent: BikeGammon, day#4

Hopper accepts the trophy from Nicolas

It wasn't dull. A four-day motorcycle ride, two punctures (complete with recovery vehicle dramas), one abandoned Harley, several fabulous examples of French and Belgian cuisine, many lovely country lanes, a couple of motorways, some songs, wine, beer, lots of coffees and six fiercely-fought one vs two backgammon matches later, a winner: unabashed by the thought that it might be considered bad form for the event's founder to to take the trophy, Simon 'BGBoy' Hopper pipped Philip 'Newbie' Nicolas in a 1-point play-off to win the event.

On a gripping final day, the competition climaxed as the tour traversed the poignant territory of WW1's western front playing the final three matches (now extended to 7-pointers).

In Armentieres, Nicolas played a blinder as the noon-day sun warmed the players' al-fresco café table to beat the pre-tournament 'strongest' duo in some style. In future BikeGammon tours he'll keep his nom-de-guerre of 'Newbie', but we now know it's simply not appropriate.

Armentieres: Nicolas and Hopper, WW1-stylee

Competition Score
Hopper 4
Nicolas 3
Biddle 1

Ypres: (l-r) Hopper, Nicolas, Biddle

In Ypres, Hopper played solo knowing he needed to win to clinch the tournament. He didn't make it.

Biddle and Nicolas survived his potential backgammon/match/tournament-winning roll (four two-point checkers left, two enemy checkers remaining in his inner board, one-double-needed-but-not-obtained), to roll a 55 of their own to win a gammon on a two-cube and take the match.

Competition Score 
Hopper 4
Nicolas 4
Biddle 2

In Ghent, Biddle now knew he needed to beat the opposing pair, win two points, equalise the scores and take the competition to a three-way, one-point play-off. One earlier-than-theory-would-endorse gammoned double, however, made that task a bridge too far.

It would have been tough to come back from four down in a seven-pointer against two competition-seasoned opponents, but a series of fortunate doubles rendered 'Biddle of the Board' a spectator and the duo took the points.

Competition Score
Hopper 5
Nicolas 5
Biddle 2

With two players tied, the competition rules required a one-point play-off. It was Hopper v Nicolas. 'BGBoy' got the rolls and collected the trophy from his opponent.

There had to be a winner, but it really was a case of the taking part mattering most and the main topic of conversation on the morning after was where and when the second annual BikeGammon event would take place.

Well done to Dicky Biddle for running a great tournament and to Philip Nicolas for playing a blinder and demonstrating what a fine competitor he's developing into. The event was born of Hopper's fevered imagination. Whether that warrants congratulations is for others to decide! ;)

We were a new team, but we formed, stormed, normed and performed (he knew a thing or two did that Tuckman). And it was good.

Hmmm; BikeGammon 2018. Now there's a thought.

You coming?


  1. Glad you had a great trip and congratulations to the victor!

    Mat (ducati) taylor
